Online Arch Drawing Lessons

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1. Get your headstart in architecture the right way, with solid fundamentals.


2. Build up a solid skillset that you will take with you for the rest of your career (the right architecture pre-university education).


3. Express your unique architecture vision and build an insane portfolio that gets you in the top 5-20% for your age range (and in any architecture school in the world).

Personalised Online Lessons

– 2 Live Lessons/week

– Daily Feedback and Accountability

– 2 Architecture Assignments/week = 20 hours of drawing/week
– 100% customised feedback and guidance so you move past all sticking points
– BONUS 1: 100% Have access to the study material for the rest of your life 
– BONUS 2: Ebook + Audiobook
– BONUS 3: Join Private Mastermind and Community
Yes, I WANT To Start The Online Drawing Lessons And Build My Skills For Architectue School
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What we will be studying:


Express yourself freely through your freehand sketching and drawing;

Improve your graphics 10x, beyond anything you imagined you can do;

Sketch everything from simple modernist designs to advanced urban and product design;

Finally understand how two-point and one-point perspective work;

Feel and understand the thinking and theory behind architectural composition;

Build your unique drawing style which is 100% unique to you.

– 2 Live Lessons/week

– Daily Feedback and Accountability

– 2 Architecture Assignments/week = 20 hours of drawing/week
– 100% customised feedback and guidance so you move past all sticking points
– BONUS 1: 100% Have access to the study material for the rest of your life 
– BONUS 2: Ebook + Audiobook
– BONUS 3: Join Private Mastermind and Community
Yes, I WANT To Start The Online Drawing Lessons And Build My Skills For Architectue School



Get the clean and crisp technical drawing graphics you always wanted;

You will draw technical drawing at an advanced level;

All your technical drawings look precise and professional;

Upgrade your spatial vision – the ability to see volumes in space;

You get that by understand triple projection – frontal, planar and side views and axonometrics;

Become more organised and smart in your design work.

Drawing and Design

Explore house designs (grow your creativity and design skills);

Get  insight in how to create unique design ideas by drawing them;

Apply everything you learned in freehand and technical drawing;

Get the creative edge for your future design work;

Build up your own concepts – here we will work on giving all drawings your own idea twist.

Meet Your New Drawing Tutor

Hi, my name is Michael Neatu, I am a RIBA Architect and in the last 4 years, I have taught Architectural Drawing to over 300 live students as well as 7000-9000 online students via my video trainings.
With my guidance, you eliminate the guesswork and self-doubt around architectural drawing and will you step by step start unleashing your full architecture potential. Absolutely all my students have exceptional results.

1.Get your headstart in architecture the right way, with solid fundamentals

Like architects have been doing for the last 2000 years.

There is no magic technique, no new quick fix that will get you good at this or any shortcut or magic trick to get you into architecture school.

The secret in getting good at this and getting your best headstart in architecture is to be proficient at architecture drawing. This translates into having a great portfolio which is the direct byproduct of your skillset (both interior and exterior). This is where the magic comes from: I have been doing this for years and years - it's one thing when you are reading up on arch drawing and quite another when you are doing and living it. From the outside, it seems like 'whoo, how they come up with these ideas. From the inside, it is a lot of work and the right mentality that spontaneously produces these ideas.

2.Build up a solid skillset that you will take with you for the rest of your career (the right architecture pre-university education)


The skills you will learn from me will teach you how to draw and also how to think and tackle every architecture assignment that comes your way.

Architectural drawing isn't just about producing pretty pictures, but about juggling three different aspects which seldomly have something to do with each other - freehand drawing (the creative part), technical drawing (the problem solving, analytical part) and design (where you put everything together to create design solutions and concepts with your own architectural vision).

We will build that up starting from zero and you will progress universally in the architecture levels - step by step, win after win.

3.Express your unique architecture vision and build an insane portfolio that gets you in the top 5-20% for your age range (and in any architecture school in the world)

Architecture is a worldwide phenomenon, quality architecture is like a universal language, you can feel it wherever you are.

To get there, you need to change both on the outside and on the inside.

We will work on the drawing skills that build you up, but also on the mentality.

I think the most important thing is to get the emotional intelligence specific to architecture - that will help you through the rest of your life.

I have students that graduated from my courses and became very successful tattoo artists. The emotional intelligence is what got them there.

To Sum it up,

I Can Help You With 2 Things:

1. Get Ridd of All the Fears Around Architecture and Drawing

Right now you are probably putting architectural drawing on a pedestal or thinking that 'you already know this' ( both lies that tie you down and keep you creatively blocked). I will help you see the true north of architecture and how you can develop your unique creative vision.

2. Get You to Take Massive Action

You probably are stuck at one level or another with architectural drawing - maybe you do not have god graphics, maybe your technical drawing is off, maybe you graduated and never learned this stuff. Regardless, I will guide you step by step on how to get past all of these and more!

Personalised Online Lessons

– 2 Live Lessons/week

– Daily Feedback and Accountability

– 2 Architecture Assignments/week = 20 hours of drawing/week
– 100% customised feedback and guidance so you move past all sticking points
– BONUS 1: 100% Have access to the study material for the rest of your life 
– BONUS 2: Ebook + Audiobook
– BONUS 3: Join Private Mastermind and Community
Yes, I WANT To Start The Online Drawing Lessons And Build My Skills For Architectue School
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Personalised Online Lessons

– 2 Live Lessons/week

– Daily Feedback and Accountability

– 2 Architecture Assignments/week = 20 hours of drawing/week
– 100% customised feedback and guidance so you move past all sticking points
– BONUS 1: 100% Have access to the study material for the rest of your life 
– BONUS 2: Ebook + Audiobook
– BONUS 3: Join Private Mastermind and Community
Yes, I WANT To Start The Online Drawing Lessons And Build My Skills For Architectue School

Arch Drawing Mastery Curriculum

Personalised Online Lessons

– 2 Live Lessons/week

– Daily Feedback and Accountability

– 2 Architecture Assignments/week = 20 hours of drawing/week
– 100% customised feedback and guidance so you move past all sticking points
– BONUS 1: 100% Have access to the study material for the rest of your life 
– BONUS 2: Ebook + Audiobook
– BONUS 3: Join Private Mastermind and Community
Yes, I WANT To Start The Online Drawing Lessons And Build My Skills For Architectue School

I will Understand What You Need In Order To Grow, Learn And Get To The Next Level

And have vast knowledge of how to get you  real, core-level mental shifts so learning drawing and architecture becomes the most enlightening, fun and productive experience you ever came across!
That will make all the difference for you getting the results you never though possible in a shorter time than you ever thought possible!

We will use The HumanDesign system To 

Customised learning to your own personality type

Discover and grow your unique potential, express it through architecture

Learn 10x more than you ever thought possible, while making things 10x easier

We will use the genekeys system to:

Sometimes things can get to you and you fall into negativity and cannot move forward.

This system invented by Richard Rudd is key for contemplating your sticking points and evolving to the next level where you manifest your best self in drawing and life.

We will use MBTI:

Based on Carl Jung's studies, this system breaks down the human psyche into a set of 8 cognitive functions, each with their unique role and position in the way you see the world.

Get the exact pattern in which your brain functions - this will help you pin point your sticking point and also stick to what mentally is optimal for you.

We will use architectural creativity exercises:

Over the years I have developed my own systems and exercises to get your brain unlocked so you grow your own unique architecture creativity alongside the drawing and designing part.


The Live Lessons Usually Turn Into Live Architectural Parties:

Master Architectural Drawing And Start Your Architecture Education The Best Way Possible

What Alumni Students Say About Working With Me:

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(They ALL got into architecture school, in some cases being the best out of 20 people!)

All my students could do it, I did it, you can do it as well!

Typical Results My Students Get:

(All drawings are A2 or B2 format)